Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank heaven for little girls!

Elizabeth Grace is such a blessing from GOD! I was really nervous how I was going to handle a baby with my already hectic schedule but the LORD really took control for me like HE always does! Working full time with her in my lap (literally in my lap at work) isn't always easy, but it is such a joy to be with her every day. All my life I dreamed of being a mommy. After Jason passed away, part of me was scared that I would never get a chance. She was so worth waiting for!!! It is just amazing how GOD provided such a perfect job that allows me to do what I wanted to do with her while I provide for our family so that Brian can finish school.
Thank you JESUS!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vail Family

Hi Everyone! We thought that the easiest way to keep in touch with everyone would be to do a blog on a regular basis. (Yes we are copying Jon and Jen Quast...they are clever people! ) As most of you know, we are still in Arizona LOVING life with our amazing little girl, Elizabeth Grace. Brian and I are both working at the same place, Galaxy Credit. We both are collectors but I am also the collections manager here. I stay here all day with Elizabeth (yes she works with me. We decided as a family that we should make her work to help earn her keep! haha! It sure does beat daycare!) while Brian goes to school in the afternoon. He is almost certified with Harley Davidson and then he is moving on to Honda. He really enjoys it and we can't wait for him to be able to work in a shop somewhere.
Elizabeth Grace is almost 7 weeks old now. She was born 5 1/2 weeks early due to my pregnancy complications. But God was faithful to us as HE always is and took care of both me and Elizabeth! :D Elizabeth is such a joy to us!
We are also really involved in our church at Peoria Church of the Nazarene. I have been the pianist there for almost 1 year now. We really enjoy being involved with the teens on Sunday nights as well!
Hopefully I will be able to update this once a week and keep pictures of Elizabeth updated on a regular basis as well! She is just too cute!